May 19, 2023

Foundational Models for Today and Tomorrow

Today’s world is one in which technology is evolving so rapidly that it can be difficult to keep track of.

Today, Fulcra’s technology is setting you up for the future. Today’s world is one in which technology is evolving so rapidly that it can be difficult to keep track of. The next versions of GPT, other LLMs, and various AI technology are iterating constantly. Apps exist to help with habit tracking, food tracking, biometric tracking, and scheduling (among others) but because the data from them all is siloed, you won’t know things like if your blood sugar is impacting your mood and therefore your meeting productivity.

While all these technologies and applications exist and claim to make our lives better and easier, one thing is common among all of them: none of them have the context of your life to work for you the best they can.

Today, our platform enables you to connect multiple data sources so that you can start to build a digital storage for the data your life produces in one place. Having this in one place is beneficial because it will help you eventually build your digital twin, which will enable you to live more deliberate lives by allowing greater insight and analysis of how seemingly unrelated factors affect each other and your life.

This data provides context by knowing things like where you’ve been, how you were feeling, who you talked to, and what you talked about, and surfacing relevant information when it can be used to take better action. They can tell you what really is keeping you up at night, whether it was the wrong food before bedtime, or the last minute meeting that was scheduled for you. They’re an engine for pattern recognition and finding levers in unexpected correlations.

Soon, leveraging the power of a secure, centralized store of a life’s data and information, Fulcra will expand its platform to, and enable individual members to, leverage the AI & ML tools of today, and most importantly tomorrow, to empower a digital twin that not only knows you well enough to insightfully answer the questions you have yourself, but that can also guide you on which actions to take to achieve your goals, and take actions for you as if it were you.

Built by a world class team of security professionals from the ground up as an operating system, Fulcra is a platform to build programs designed to enable every members’ individual goals, as well as an essential piece of infrastructure that enables members to use a universe of rapidly proliferating tools that promise to improve their lives, without sacrificing security or privacy.

Data secured with Fulcra belongs to the member, is secure and encrypted at the level of the individual member, and is never monetized by Fulcra. It exists solely to enable and empower the member to whom it belongs.