December 8, 2023

New at Fulcra: A Timeline of Your Life’s Data

Explore your past and present from a multidimensional perspective using our unique Timeline, now available on our Portal platform.

Explore your past and present from a multidimensional perspective using our unique Timeline, now available on our Portal platform. You’ll be able to see a variety of your data, from calendars to health to others, in a single, arranged view. The result is an increasingly rich representation of your life that can be replayed in a resolution that human memories cannot match.

Visualization on a timeline allows you to engage your curiosity in synchronous correlation discovery and easily track your progress, identify trends, recognize patterns over time, and zero in on the moments you'd like to investigate further.

Screenshot of our Timeline, available through the Fulcra Portal.

Date Picker

Choose the specific date you wish to observe with the date picker feature. Navigate seamlessly by panning left and right, allowing you to move backward and forward a day using the corresponding arrows. If you have a precise date in mind, utilize the date picker menu to select a specific day or opt for quick presets like "today" or "yesterday."

Zoomed in view of Timeline’s date picker.

Metric Picker

Customize your experience by choosing the metrics that matter most to you through the metric picker feature. For your convenience, we've pre-selected essential core metrics by default, ensuring easy access to key data.

Zoomed in view of metrics selector.


Explore the interplay between different metrics by hovering over the charts to delve into details for a specific time increment (currently set at 15 minutes). Begin to examine the potential reasons for the peaks and valleys in your data trends.

Metrics Types

Our timeline displays two kinds of metrics: cumulative and discrete. Cumulative metrics are a count/measurement of a value across a range of time (e.g., Active Calories, Step Count) and discrete metrics are a sample of a value at a given time (e.g., Heart Rate).

The average of discrete metrics are displayed and a red horizontal line on the respective chart indicates the average value for the selected date range (e.g., Average Heart Rate = 85.8 bpm). If the discrete metric has multiple measurements within the given time increment, the lowest and highest values are displayed as a range (e.g., Heart Rate = 107 – 172 bpm).

In the near future, we'll be adding more metrics like calendar event detailed views and location to add greater dimension to your Timeline and analyses, so you can explore your life with greater depth. We're also working on offering more date range selection options so you can view your data across a week or month. Stay tuned for more updates!

If you have any questions, see our knowledge base by clicking the the chat in the bottom right, or reach out to us via Intercom in the app.