July 28, 2023

So What Do We Mean When We Say Personal Digital Twin

The key here is that whoever builds the AI agent you choose to welcome into your life, it will undeniably require context and history.

We’ve been talking a lot about personal digital twins, so it’s probably time to explain more about what we mean, and what we’re working to achieve.

Far from being a fancier avatar or a simple extension of your social media identity, a personal digital twin can be a completely transformative way of interacting in the digital and even physical world. It’s a new metaphor for a new way of thinking of the data and knowledge that your life creates. We believe that just as 1970s-era the file-folder metaphor that originated at Xerox PARC shaped our digital lives for decades, our future calls for a fresh way of thinking: the personal digital twin.

We’re not talking about an avatar that looks somewhat like you (although your Fulcra twin might power that avatar), or a chatbot that sounds like you. Rather, we’re talking about the underlying infrastructure that will power those tools and beyond, to actually know what you know, see the world how you see it, and understand your life.

That’s why we chose to start by creating the most important part, the foundation. Without a solid foundation, no LLM or application built on your data can truly have all the context for your life, which is important when using these tools to create workflows for your life. Our foundation is a centralized repository of the various data sources your life is creating and will continue to create, from the data streams created by your wearables and devices (think health, location, and more), to the knowledge, conversations, preferences and the like that currently live locked up across multiple platforms. By combining all this knowledge and data, we begin to create a secure, and dynamic digital echo of you that is entirely under your control. It's a meticulously woven tapestry of your life, encompassing all that is known, recorded, and measured.

Today, your digital footprints are scattered across various platforms, carefully culled by advertising giants to predict and mold your behaviors. But we chose to start here so we can enable a personal digital twin that is specifically designed to works solely for you.

Your personal digital twin is a centralized, secure repository of everything in your life that is known, recorded, and measured, enhanced by things like stochastic polling driven in real time by the combination of all of that data and knowledge. It’s a dynamic and ever more accurate reflection of you in the digital realm, that will be connected to today’s and tomorrow’s software tools to enable incredible outcomes.

Think of it as a living biography that learns and grows with you, capturing your unique interactions across devices and platforms to form true knowledge about your life, fully within your control.

We chose to start by aggregating, securing, and centralizing your data for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that without this sort of knowledge and situational awareness, the best the (truly incredible) AI tools and services that are rolling out at an ever increasing pace can achieve is mimicry. They can look and sound like you, but without knowing about you and what you know, the outcomes they can achieve for you are limited.

We also believe that the best AI bets take into account the fact that the stuff that looks cool today will be eclipsed by what is to come, but regardless of the models developed tomorrow, the best time to start building the knowledge those models will need to be effective is today (or even better, yesterday).

We are starting here to build towards a future where your digital twin serves as the foundation for an autonomous AI agent. This AI, armed with the rich context of your digital twin, will act as an active participant in your digital life. It will be equipped with a deep understanding of your behaviors, preferences, and needs, acting on your behalf.

The key here is that whoever builds the AI agent you choose to welcome into your life, it will undeniably require context and history. A digital twin that you start building now provides the solid foundation for these AI agents to truly know you. And because this digital twin belongs to you and is under your control, which AI agent gets that deep access will always be your choice.

That’s all down the road, but there are compelling reasons to start now, and next we will explore not only those reasons, but also the things that you can do with your digital twin right now. Beginning to build your digital twin today is not just an investment in the future, it starts paying off as soon as you begin.