August 4, 2023

What Can I Do with My Personal Digital Twin Right Now?

Starting to build your personal digital twin now is an investment in the quality of the output you will get out of tools that haven’t been built yet, and in turn the quality of your future self’s life.

As we said in our last post, we are starting here to build towards a future where your digital twin serves as the foundation for a number of things that are on the horizon, not the least of which will be an autonomous AI agent acting on your behalf.

Armed with the rich context of your digital twin, it will act as an active participant in your digital life, equipped with a deep understanding of your behaviors, preferences, and needs, acting on your behalf. Without context and history, an AI you can at best be a mimic. Starting to build your personal digital twin now is an investment in the quality of the output you will get out of tools that haven’t been built yet, and in turn the quality of your future self’s life.

But that’s by far not the only reason to start building your digital twin today, or even better, yesterday. The benefits are not just down the road. These are just a few of the things your digital twin can do for you now:

Enable Holistic Analysis and Actionable Insights:

The true power of a digital twin lies in its ability to consolidate and de-silo your data. This unified data then becomes a rich canvas for tools like computational notebooks and emerging AI technologies, resulting in actionable insights and predictive analytics.

Boost Automation and Efficiency:

With a digital twin, you can begin to automate parts of your digital life and offline activities. As your digital twin learns and adapts to your habits, you can begin to enjoy a life that’s more streamlined and suited to your preferences.

Facilitate Selective Sharing:

Core to our philosophy is the concept of selective shareability. You can choose to share parts of your digital twin with selected people or services, whether it's your doctor or your executive assistant, and revoke access whenever you choose.

Capture Rich Data:

Starting with data collection and analysis now enables your digital twin to grasp your patterns and preferences right from the beginning. This foresight sets the stage for creating more personalized digital interactions.

Power Experimentation:

Fulcra doesn’t just secure and store your data - it provides the rails to use that data with tools such as computational notebooks, AI models, really, anything.

Champion Data Sovereignty:

When you possess a digital twin, you gain control over your personal data. Centralizing and de-siloing your data enables it to start working for you. This puts you in the driver's seat, even allowing you to opt-out of the advertising engines of the world without losing your valuable data.

Protect Against Data Loss:

Your digital twin is more than just a reflection of you; it's a secure vault for your digital presence. Should your devices be lost or compromised, your digital twin safeguards your data.

Future-Proof Your Digital Life:

Starting on your digital twin now is an investment in your digital future. As AI technology evolves, your digital twin will be equipped to interact effectively with autonomous AI agents.

We're thrilled about the possibilities that this journey presents, and we hope you're excited too. So, let's get started. It's time to begin building your digital twin.

In the coming weeks we’ll dive further into the specific things we are doing with our Fulcra digital twins to understand ourselves better and live more deliberate lives. Watch this space.